Jet Airways Q4FY17 Results
Jet Airways (India) Q4FY17 consolidated net profit declines fell by 89.92% yoy to Rs.40 crore.
Jet Airways standalone revenue for the quarter came in at Rs. 5449.13 crore, registering 3.1% yoy increase.
EBITDA for the quarter fell by 87.2% yoy to Rs. 109.43 crore with a corresponding margin contraction of 1419 bps.
The adjusted PAT for the quarter came in at Rs. 39.5 crore, yoy decline of 90%. This was after adjusting exceptional losses.
Looking at the full year numbers, we see that Revenue jumped by 1% to reach Rs.21552.35 crore while EBITDA fell by 51% to 1151.75 crore. The Company reported net profit of Rs.390.43 crore, down 67% yoy.